Got Flu, Get Rid of it
Swine Flu (H1N1) Buster and
Beginning Stages Remedies

Influenza also known as La Grippe is caused by 3 types of Influenza Virus known as types A, B, and C. Type A causes the most severe disease as we see today in the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic.

Swine Flu (H1N1) Buster and Preventative Herbal Formulas are the best known Herbal Remedies Today as there is yet no cure or proper vaccinations available.

Blog Swine Flu (H1N1) Beginning Stages Herbal Formula:
If Influenza treatment is started at the onset, it may be overcome in 24 hours. Stop eating and go to bed right away do not eat for 24 hours, you wont die from not eating, you may cause yourself to get sicker if you continue to eat. Drink a Tea by steeping a teaspoon of each herb together in a pint of boiling water for 20 minutes. Yarrow – Pleurisy Root – 1/4 tsp. of Cayenne

Do not boil these herbs; boiling can cause some herbs to become poisonous. To steep herbs means to bring distilled water to a boil. Stop boiling the water and put the herbs into the water and let sit for a specific amount of time, usually 20 minutes.

Drink the Tea as hot as you can stand it. Do not microwave and do not bring the Tea to a boil. Sip one cup every hour. This will cause profuse perspiration. When your jammas and bed sheets become wet, they need to be changed.

Drink the Tea and then 20 minutes later drink a cup of sugarless fruit juice such as freshly squeezed orange juice. Drink another cup of juice 20 minutes later such a grapefruit juice unless you are on certain kinds of blood pressure medications. 20 minutes later drink another cup of hot Tea, 20 minutes later drink another cup of juice, and cranberry juice is very good at this time. Lemon juice is also very good, put a teaspoonful in the other juices. Don’t drink the juices cold, drink them closer to a warm temperature as can be tolerated. So it will be Tea, Juice, Juice, Tea every hour. Alternate juices if no herbs are available.

Blog Swine Flu (H1N1) Buster Herbal Formula:
This Formula is designed to sweat and flush viruses out of the system when one has the full Fledged Flu. It is also good for colds and other signs of influenza and respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, croup, emphysema and bronchitis.

This remedy is best used in a tea form.

Herb Combination:
• Bayberry
• Cayenne
• Cloves
• Ginger
• White Pine Bark

• It is recommended that you drink 1 cup of hot tea at least 1 hour after you have eaten, if you can eat. It is considered one dose. Drink at least three times a day (or more) for a total of at least 3 cups a day for no more than 10 days.

• Bring to a boil 8 oz of distilled or filtered water. Turn off the stove and wait till the boiling subsides. Drop one Teabag of herbs into the boiling water and steep for 20 minutes. The time will also allow the water to cool off before drinking. It is necessary to drink this tea as hot as possible although it is really yucky tasting. Drink it anyway and don’t cry about it.

• Take a hot bath at least once per day for three days. Put a teabag full of Yarrow in a tub of hottest water and let it steep for about 20 minutes. The time will also allow the water to cool off before immersing the person. Do not use soap or any chemicals just lay back and relax for no more than 30 minutes. Use a wash cloth to keep fresh water on the face and neck if needed, no need to get hair or scalp wet.

• When lying down, strap or tape crushed Garlic cloves to the bottom of the feet so the Garlic does not move.

• During sickness, Flush the Nasal Passages and Gargle with a Saline Solution.

• Clear the Lungs of Phlegm by using Herbal Chest Packs.

• Do not eat Mucous Forming Foods.

• Do not use with any other Formulas.

• You may bust your condition within three days and it is ok to stop your Regimen and continue with the Shepherds Purse Herbal Immunity Builder.

• You can buy a 10 day (30 count) supply of Swine Flu Beginning Stages Formula
for $60.00. Each dose comes in its own small teabag and contains 2 teaspoons of combined Herbs. Each teabag can be used at least twice or more until it becomes weaker before throwing it away but you don’t need to use it twice or more for this regimen.

• You can buy a 10 day (30 count) supply of Swine Flu Buster Formula for $60.00. Each dose comes in its own small teabag and contains 2 teaspoons of combined Herbs. Each teabag can be used at least twice or more until it becomes weaker before throwing it away but you don’t need to use it twice or more for this regimen.

• You can buy 1 medium Teabag (2 oz = 6 TBLSP) of Yarrow for $10.00. 1 Teabag full of Yarrow can be used at least three times with maximum benefits before throwing it away.

• To store your used teabags: put in a tight container or zippered baggie and put in fridge. They will last at least three days or so just like your vegetables would.

See other Important Cold and Flu Remedies
Anti Plague
Blood Purifying
Immunity Builder

All Posts By: Shepherds Purse Naturals
