(1) The Healing Power of Echinacea

Echinacea is one of the oldest health products ever to be discovered because of its powerful healing properties. It is one of the best-kept secrets among Alternative Medicinal Healers as it can be used singularly with powerful results or with other herbs to create a specific potion.
The use of Echinacea on wounds, infections, snake bites, insect bites and stings is beyond the miracles of modern medicine ever. It boosts the immune system about 30% to help the bodys own T-cells fight infection and rid itself of poisons. It contains a natural antibiotic which is comparable to penicillin.

Used as a mouthwash will get rid of canker sores, painful teeth and swollen gums. I have advised many of my subjects to use a combination of Echinacea and Golden Seal as a cure for strep throat. The results have had immediate effect and the streptococcus was gone within a few days.
  • Remedy:
    Combine in equal parts. Put about a tablespoon of the powder in a muslin cloth tea bag and steep in boiling hot water for 10 minutes. Using it as hot as you can stand but not too hot to scold the tonsils, gargle for about 5 minutes at least 6 times a day of not more. This will treat the strep and soothe the throat but most important of all it will eventually release the pus sacs, in tact, at the back of the throat. When you spit out the liquid after gargling you will spit out the pus sacs as well. You may do well to put 1 or 2 drops of the liquid in each ear. This will help the itching go away. Continue use for about 10 days.

  • Echinacea tea can be used for colds, smallpox, measles, mumps and arthritis.
  • Remedy:
    Put about a tablespoon of the powder in a muslin cloth tea bag and steep in boiling hot water for 20 minutes. Remove tea bag and drink very warm, about 6 cups a day throughout the day. You will notice that urination is more frequent and may be a darker color than usual. This is normal dont worry, its cleansing the system. You may also notice that if a slight fever is present, that it will be lessened if not gone.

    If fever or symptoms persist with anything for more than three days, it would be wise to consult a physician, as other problems may be present.  NEXT

  • All Posts By: Shepherds Purse Naturals
